Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1....eek!

This canvas is HUGE!  It's 20 by 28 inches and it took forever to divide it into just six sections.  That's how I have been taught on starting projects when going by a picture.  I took private lessons back in my high school days and little while afterwards.  I haven't seen my art teacher for about a year.

Her name is Kendra Bayer and I am really starting to miss her.  I am thinking I may need to seek out some guidance from her or another art instructor.  I don't know why I stopped going.  I just had so many other things on my mind besides art, I suppose. 

Another reason why it may have taken a half hour to measure and divide my canvas is because all I have is a six inch ruler-a better ruler is on the list.  I am also guessing I need better propping for when I start painting-like a large easel or a chair that I will cover with an old bed sheet.  I also need to think about how much paint I might possibly need and the kind of brushes that I want to use.

JoAnn's can wait on my monetary donation for now.  My next step is to draw out the picture matching it all up to my copy.  I will do this by using approximate measuring, my boxes as guides and my only good drawing pencil.  I will need more pencils and erasers, too.  The copy is small so some tweaking may need to be done. 

There is really nothing to show right now.  Just a blank canvas with lines that you can hardly see.

Sigh....more tomorrow.

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