Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 2: Getting Started

On my lunch break I went home and took my brother to school and then came back home to work on my canvas.  I was thinking I would just do one box but got a little carried and away.  I also got my hand kind of dirty.

But it's all good.  It only seemed to take maybe 15 minutes to draw out most of the base for the painting.  I think it's looking good already. Don't you?

The moon definitely could look better....right now it looks like a cookie with a bite taken out.  Oh well.  As far as additional supplies and erasers I am not worried about it.  If I make a mistakes IT'S NO BIG DEAL.  At least that's something I am trying to learn.  So far I think I'm do a fair job of working with my mistakes. 

If I run out of paint, I have the money to get more.  (THANKS MOM!!!)

I JUST called my art teacher and we are going to get-together Tuesday and Wednesday next week of my Spring Break!  Yay!!

I should have the rest of this drawn out by tomorrow....o geez-whiz-then I start painting.

Oh my goodness.  Well again, if I make a mistake there's another reason I chose acrylic; it's easy to work with and when it dries it's easy to cover-up mistakes.

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