Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 13 and 14: OMG!!! GUESS WHAT I DISCOVERED????

So remember all those books I got on Vincent Van Gogh the other day?  I was looking through one that talked more on The Starry Night specifically (Heugten, Sjraar van, Joachim Pissarro, and Chris Stolwijk. Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2008. 80-85. Print.)

It says on page 81: The cypresses-the darkest tone in the composition-were put in first and already reasonably dry when the surrounding colors were painted.  This is evident because the other colors come against the green and brown of the trees without disturbing the paint layer.

So.  Wow.  That is weird.  I started the painting all wrong but it turns out that Van Gogh did, too???

Anyways.... I just think its pretty amazing that I am so in touch with this crazy dead Belgium.

Yesterday, I went to the library with my Mom before we hit the local Marsh.  And wouldn't you know?  There were LOADS of art books in the entryway area (before you enter the actual library) of books for sale.  They all had my name on them so I got them.

It only took two trips to the van.

I was just looking through one of the books I Art Since 1940: Strategies of Being.  I couldn't wait to glance in it to see if I could find a decent Jackson Pollock painting.  Interesting enough the title page has a quote  by Jackson Pollock: Painting is a state of being... self-discovery.  Every good artist paints what he is.

Or she.

So around 4 today I painted and then ended around 5.

It's starting to look amazing.

More later.

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