Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 27: Taking a Step Back

When your painting it's always good to step back and see how things are going for you.  Getting too focused?  Need more shading?  Does it lack perspective and seem 2D? 

Here are some pointers that I have picked up from experience and people have been kind enough to offer me:

1.)  Have a plan; a picture is the best way to go.
2.)  If you like something you should save it.  With paint- make more and store it.
3.)  If you plan to do something that might ruin good clothes then DON'T WHERE GOOD CLOTHES! (that's why I paint in my old pajamas)
4.)  When you don't have a variety or what you want either- work with what you have or go get what you need.

To get technical:  acrylic paint is A PAIN to remove from jeans and Ziploc containers are my best friend.  I also try not to use too many brushes in one session-I used only 3 this time (with the help of water and paper towel.) In about an hour I was able to improve the color of my trees and get some of the village done.

I am very happy the way things are turning out.  I think I might even have this done by April 1st!!

Part of the reason it may have taken me an hour is that I had "Donnie Brasco" playing with French subtitles.  I don't know how much my French cromprehension has improved but I think this movie may have made me get all perfectionist when I found a stopping point.

You see, I stopped and stepped back.  Then I noticed that the steeple looked kinda funny.  I went on to even hang the canvas on the two little thumbtacks on my bedroom wall and sit down to take a good look at the picture.  Having it elevated like that made it easier to make an improvement to my slightly wobbly steeple (Yup! I painted in my bed room!).  The change is so small I won't even bother providing the before and after.

It just goes to show that I'm critical.

But one last thing:

It's good to just step back and admire. 

More later!

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