Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 28: I AM NEARLY DONE!!!!

I sat done this morning after breakfast and put in "Braveheart."  For nearly a whole hour I worked on the houses in my village.  Just a few more brushstrokes and I will be done!

The houses looks rougher and blacker than I imagined.  I like them anyways.  I figure they don't take the glory out of the cute church.  I just have those three houses there on the far right of the village hill to finish up.  After that?  I could research some more on Vincent Van Gogh and find some more things to find out on my subject.

It also wouldn't hurt to give the whole painting some touch-ups.

Especially that tree.

"Braveheart" didn't help me much besides distracting me and made me feel like starting a war with the neighbors next door.  Otherwise, I am having an awesome and some-what lazy Sunday =)

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