Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 7: Just a little frustrated...

First of all the purple never seemed to come out right, I dropped paint onto the floor a few times, then I had to restart this ancient computer!

I really need to handle my stress better....I am probably going to find other problems along the way.

Mom thought I looked "artistic"-it's the clothes I suppose.

I admit, (even though you might not notice) but I am pouting.

My painting doesn't look as pretty or perfect today.  Plus, even though I took at least a 1/2 to paint, I didn't get as much done as last time.

Oh well, there will be better days I am sure.

In fact today started out in all the right ways:

  • I slept in
  • I got some schoolwork done
  • I didn't go anywhere until about noon
  • Mom and I shopped at Goodwill, TJ Maxx, Kohl's, WalMart and Whole Foods 
  • I had chocolate
  • I set my background music to Zeca (a Brazilian singer)
I am somewhat satisfied with my work.... now I think I will watch the rest of "Desperate Housewives" and eat my all-organic salad.  (I am making up for the Chili Mac Supreme and the Milky Way I had earlier.)

Tomorrow, I am working at the Day Care..... that should prove interesting.

Goodnight y'all!

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