I've noticed that my styles are mixed. Some of the painting is blended and smooth (like Georgia O' Keeffe) and other parts (especially the sky) are choppy and dotty (like Vincent Van Gogh). It's an interesting mix and I think they work with each other fantastically.
This morning I sat down for about 40 minutes and did some more painting on the "sunny hills." My focus was to get the yellow to look less greenish so I outlined all of the yellow with white. Later, I mixed in some bright blue to add variety and made that section of the painting more interesting.
Today was a mix of music. Mainly Bob Dylan and John Mayer. Those guys sure know how to soothe my soul.
I have so much to do and so little time. I also want to open up my evening to make a nice dinner for Dad and Allen (my brother who lost his Camaro to old age and now I have to tote around). I am thinking fettucine tonight.
I overslept (til 9) and didn't go to French lab (started at 8:15) this morning..... I know. I am so irresponsible.
But I have a somewhat, reasonable explanation: SOMEBODY decided to stomp around in his apartment at 4:30 this morning!
Also, I woke up at all sorts of inconvenient hours whenever my music stopped playing. I finally figured out the REPEAT mode. Wow.
I reckon the life of an artist is such a hassle but has it's awards.... usually not financially. I think by the time this project is done I will even be more zombie-ish but happy with the product.
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