Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 9: Accommodating

Well bummer.

I must have goofed on timings or something because at 4 o' clock I was at the art studio but my art teacher wasn't.  So I went to the library and got a little reading material:

I realize now I got off track.... guess I will have to go back and see what they have on acrylic painting.  The reading has been interesting so far.  Vincent Van Gogh really was crazy!  His paintings are still amazing.

Also, I am going to see about trying to get some sort of expert advice.  I doubt the employees at JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby will know whether or not acrylic paint has an expiration date....................

I rearranged everything from the hall, into my room.  This way I could work late without disturbing my parents sleep too much and listen to my music.  (Aerosmith today.)

I sat down to paint around 10:30 and ended around 11:30.  I got the bottom half done!!

More later!

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