Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day: 3 Done Drawing!!

I finished drawing out the rest of the painting.  The only part I had left to do was the village area.  It's a little rough but it will do. 

Now I will get started on painting tomorrow!!! Can't wait! 

Current issues:
Transportation during my Spring Break might be limited because my brother doesn't have a car and I might have to leave it here in Muncie to help him out with his job (and FIND HIS OWN CAR hopefully).  I want this canvas to be safe during travel and the back seat of my Dad's truck gets awfuly crowded.  Hopefully we can come over this issue and figure out something for the transportation of my project to Tipton.

Plus, I might be work some at my old workplace (a daycare) and so I don't want to hog the van when Mom need it for subbing at Tri-Central or Hamilton Heights. 

Note:  CALL CHRISTI!  (my boss)

I really need to bring my project to Tipton, too.

Reason #1

Reason #2
I want to recieve guidance from my art teacher.  How can I recieve the best help that I can get if I don't have my picture?!


I want my own car.

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